3. Project mobilization.

Enable the project to start.

Put the project management system in place and ensure that the execution of the project or a project phase can start.

Initiate project.

Understand the agreement and other definition and planning elements. Develop start-up lan. Bring start-up staff on-board. Set technical environment.

Define quality objectives. Create product breakdown structure, work breakdown structure, team and orgaization structure.

Implement PM system.

Put the project management system in place and ensure it is ready to function.

Expand work plans.

Put work plans in place that will allow activities to be assigned and project progress to be tracked.

Implement technical infrastructure.

Ensure that the technical environment is ready to operate.

Obtain and start staff.

Obtain commitments from staff providers to provide project staff members, when the staff is not already on board.

Ensure that the staff is prepared to do productive work.

Start subcontractor.

Successfully fulfill mutual obligations defined in the supplier Agreement to ensure that productive work is started.

Next in this series: 4. The SoftPMO Toolkit and Project Execution Processes.