Project Resources

Define the roles and responsibilities of project team members

Whatever we do must be in accord with human nature. We cannot drive people; we must direct their development... the general policy of the past has been to drive; but the era of force must give way to the era of knowledge, and the policy of the future will be to teach and lead, to the advantage of all concerned.

Henry L. Gantt

Define project team roles and responsibilities, authority to make decisions, and performance criteria. Specify assumptions and approach for acquiring and assigning the project staff, and contractors to the project. Plan and manage the Procurement of products and services for the project in accordance with the organization’s acquisition practices.

Document the plan for acquiring and staffing the project.


  • Create the Human resource plan which shows the number of people required to staff the project, analyzed by human resource category and time.
  • Document roles and responsibilities, with escalation and decision-making authorities agreed upon and understood.
  • Identify the required facilities and training needed for all human resource categories.
  • For each project, divide the human resources into groups, for example engineers, developers, where the members of a group can be treated the same for planning purposes.
  • Define and agree to the responsibility for procurement and management of third-party products and services.

Monetary Drivers
  • Better tools for staff planning, estimating staff costs, coordinating acquisition and controlling staff levels, and team-building activities over the life of the project
  • Skills and resources efficiently and effectively allocated and assigned within the project
  • Enhanced and timely detection of resource gaps


Risk Considerations
  • Lack of a Human resource plan could result in the failure to source properly skilled resources when they are required on the project
  • Failure to provide new team members with the facilities and training they need, with a consequent impact on productivity and progress

Next in this series: Setup and Measure Project Performance Criteria