Project Phase Initiation

Validate conformance of phases to the Project definition

Project teams—and their organizations—need to have a solid understanding of strategic objectives. Research shows that organizations perform well when strategy and business benefit get communicated frequently.

Communicate with Stakeholders about the approval and initiation of each major project phase. Project phase reviews should be conducted in accordance with program governance procedures. Approval of succeeding phases should be contingent upon acceptance of deliverables from the preceding phase. Update and review the business case at the next major program review. Establish approval points for overlapping project phases which should be reviewed by the project sponsors to authorize project progression.

Approve and communicate the start of each major phase.


  • Ensure deliverables produced in each project phase are approved, and are signed off by designated managers, and key stakeholders as defined in the customer agreement.
  • Base the approval process on clearly defined acceptance criteria agreed to by key stakeholders prior to work commencing on the project phase deliverable.
  • Frequently review and assess the project schedule, and budget to ensure they are aligned with the agreed-upon scope. Identify variances to the project schedule, and budget. Assess deviations, and their impact on the project plan and ability to realize expected project benefits.
  • Review critical success criteria at agreed-upon check points, and make formal ‘stop/go’ decisions.

Monetary Drivers
  • Consistent setting of project goals aligned with the organization’s objectives
  • Enhanced ability to prioritize execution of project work
  • Increased conformance of project tasks with the project definition
  • Better ability to monitor, control and communicate the progress of the project


Risk Considerations
  • Misalignment of the project to the organization’s vision
  • Improper project prioritization
  • Unrecognized variations from the overall project plan
  • Improper allocation and utilization of project resources

Next in this series: Develop the Project Quality Management Plan