Stakeholder Commitment

Get stakeholder commitment

The ability for project teams to collaborate—across functions, time zones, and organizational boundaries—is a key critical success factor.

Forbes Insights

Obtain commitment and participation from key stakeholders in the definition and execution of the project for the total program.

Project managers that communicate frequently, using appropriate vehicles outperform their counterparts by 200% and are twice as likely to deliver customer benefit.

Increase the likelihood for projects to deliver business benefits.


  • Engage key stakeholders, including management and key end users in the initiation, definition and authorization of a project. Ensure there is proper commitment and participation.
  • Document key stakeholder roles and responsibilities, and there required engagement for the duration of the project life cycle. Ongoing engagement and participation includes, approval, checkpoint reviews, change board representation, project planning, scheduling, testing, training, procedures documentation, and material development.

Monetary Drivers
  • Enhanced probability that the project will deliver as expected
  • Consistent understanding of the project objectives across all stakeholders
  • Stakeholder commitment and engagement for the project


Risk Considerations
  • Lack of accountability and responsibility for ensuring project cost control and success
  • Decreased customer engagement in defining requirements and reviewing work products
  • Lack of understanding and in ability to deliver expected business benefits

Next in this series: Establish an Approved Integrated Project Plan