Project Management Approach

Scale the project management approach

We are dealing with grand challenges, and the only way we can deal with them is with a project approach.

Ed Hoffman, Phd, NASA

Setup a project management method which corresponds to the size, and in proportion to, the needs of each project. Implement a governance process for each project which includes the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for the key stakeholders, and the primary mechanisms needed to meet those responsibilities. Ensure that the sponsors for projects have authority to execute within the overall program framework.

Projects need sponsors with authority to execute.


  • Implement project management governance and structure in consideration with the project’s size, complexity and risks, including legal, and regulatory considerations.
  • Assign projects one or more sponsors with proper authority to execute and deliver the project within the overall program framework.
  • Define roles and responsibility for the program sponsor, project manager, and, as needed, the steering committee and project management office.
  • Monitor and control execution of the project, and enable appropriate mechanisms such as cyclical reporting and stage gate reviews that are the responsibility of the project manager to handle in a timely manner.

Monetary Drivers
  • Effective use of project management resources
  • Accountability and commitment for key decisions and tasks based on defined roles and responsibilities
  • Business and project objectives clearly aligned
  • Project issues and action handled in a timely manner


Risk Considerations
  • Uncertainty and confusion caused by different project management approaches
  • Inconsistent reporting, and lack of compliance with standardized reporting structures
  • Inability to handle expectations with timely and approved decisions

Next in this series: Get Stakeholders Commitment in the Project